3rd industrial revolution
No business, no company, no distribution or service network may ignore the disruptive effects and advantages of on-line trade, personal data marketing strategy, logistics, in order to empower brick and mortar business.
From vertical, the distribution is now horizontal.
All our clients must manage and control cross-channeling, shop-in-shops, classic basics of distribution in stores, new rules applicable to trade to platforms or marketplaces (tax law, competition law, consumer law …) and specific consumers’ law. Business has no choice to structure and develop or deal with increasingly powerful and innovative technologies to go to market. Protecting its brand and its end prices, this is also a powerful challenge for the years to come, while being in compliance with regulations and consumer expectations.
Our clients, whatever their size is, are stakeholders in this major change.
New regulation leads to new insights and approaches. Redlink built the Compliance offers by involving the skills and expertise of our specialists of various legal areas: contract law, corporate law, IT / IP, labor law, criminal law, public business law, regulatory … for our clients facing these new constraints and challenges.